viernes, 6 de marzo de 2015

My experience in Global Classrooms

Global Classrooms experience was kind of weird because at first I didn’t want to do it because I thought it won’t be as awesome as it was, but now I would repeat it again and again and again.

When I was selected, I didn’t want to do it because it required a lot of work and effort. They told that my new pair was going to be Raquel, and our country would be Papua New Guinea The topic was “Women in Government” and the situation in PNG was very difficult, that’s why we had to research a lot. A week before the real conference, our high school organized a mock conference with a high school of Getafe, and we became friends immediately. The day of the conference, Raquel and I were very nervous because it was our first time and we had to do it perfectly! We did it and we were very proud of ourselves.

A week after, our assistant Steven told us we pass to the next round and we were very excited! We had new pairs, new countries and new topic. I was with Sandra, our country was Poland and the new topic was “Sustainable Energy For All”. That topic was really difficult and complex. But we succeed again and I did it even better than the first time! I was very happy with the owrl I did. 

Personally, I think that Global Classrooms is a way to open your mind and see new perspectives of the world, to improve your ways of working and to become more self-confident. I'm sad because this has finished, but I will always remember the best expierience of my life, because I've grown a lot in knowledge thanks of it. 

jueves, 5 de marzo de 2015

My experience in the Global Classrooms project

For me, Global Classrooms is a great experience to open up your perspective

towards the world nowadays and the issues that affect all of us internationally.

I’ve personally benefited quite a lot from it and learnt so many new things in a

different way from how we’re usually taught in class, which makes it even more


I won’t lie. At first, I was completely overwhelmed with the great amount of

work and time that I knew I was going to put into this project. Nevertheless, as

I progressed and began learning all about the nation I represented, the topic

(which initially was women in government) and all the procedural matters, I

grew in confidence and became more and more enthusiastic about it.

The conferences were amazing. I arrived at the room and, even though I was

really nervous, I remember thinking that the mere fact that I’d made it there was

worth all the hard work and that it was a great privilege. I still think so, especially

when we were chosen for the second round. I cannot possibly express how

lucky I feel.

And it’s not only practicing English and diplomacy, that’s for sure. I’ve also

learnt that through these little things, we might even be able to change the

world. Isn’t that amazing? Even if I don’t win the trip to New York, I will never

forget the honor and the effect that this experience has given to me.

Global Classrooms is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and I feel extremely lucky

and grateful for all that it has taught me. I feel humbled to get here, and if I

could thank everybody that made this possible, I would need three more pages.

However, I would like to thank my teachers and assistants at the IES Parque

de Lisboa for all the work and help that they have provided, and my amazing

classmates and friends who all worked very hard and who deserve to have this

opportunity as much as I do. But in all seriousness, Global Classrooms has

made me change the way I think about the world, and I will always be thankful

for having been able to live this incredibly brilliant and rewarding experience.

My experience in global classrooms.

Global classrooms have been a great experience for me, it have been one of the most beutifull, usefull and exiting things i have ever done. This experencie have changed my mind, now i have totally clear the fact that i am going to study international relationships.

Global  classrrom consisto n lots of thing which make it great like the procedure, dressing up or representing a country. I have always love speaking, but this experience have taughht me that the key is not just talking, is talking with a reason and an objective.
I have learn how to serch for information and how to interact with people you have just meet and negociate with them.